Finding My Softer Side
I wanted to take the current 500 hour Purna Yoga teacher training, but the time commitment was not a possibility for me this year. Luckily, in the middle of the 500 hour training, Alive & Shine Center opens Savitri’s Heartfull Meditation workshop to all. So here I am, in Washington to attend the 12 hour (over two days) meditation workshop. I’ve been practicing Heartfull Meditation for as long as I’ve studied Purna Yoga, but in 2013 started practicing on my own regularly. It’s an active meditation which aligns your mind and your body with your heart chakra. And let me just tell you about the benefits! First, it gets me out of my head. When I’m feeling scattered or anxious or angry, it just takes a few minutes to settle down. Plus it's the reason those emotions don't seem as prevalent as they used to. Don't get me wrong, they are still there (I am a work in progress), but they are far less frequent. Second, I have become more sensitive to my own needs and the needs of others. When I can step away from all of the analytics going on in my brain, I am able to use my intuition to guide myself in the right direction. It also gives me more energy. The simple act of closing my eyes, quieting my mind and deepening my breath is so very restful, even if done for 5 minutes (30 - 60 minutes, even better!). Lastly, it feels like there is a hard shell within me that is beginning to soften and crack, to reveal sensitivity, beauty, wisdom, gratitude and pure love. Love for me, love for my life, love for others. But… while it’s softening me, it’s making me stronger all at the same time! It’s like all of this good stuff that’s within me is also surrounding me and protecting me. Anyway, this is why I practice and this is why I flew out to Seattle this weekend to meet the woman, Savitri, who developed this beautiful and powerful meditation technique. I am very thankful to have this opportunity.
Love, Ashley